The Writing Sanctuary

A Sacred Space for Self-Discovery & Reinvention Through The Power Of Words
Reinventing Your Life EbookReinventing Your Life 21 Day Challenge

Welcome to The Writing Sanctuary

This is more than just a place to learn how to write—it’s a sacred space where your heart meets the page, where your soul whispers its truth, and where your reinvention begins. Whether you want clarity, healing, or a new chapter in life, writing is the gateway.

Here, writing isn’t about rules or perfection. It’s about self-expression, transformation, and unlocking the wisdom within.

Awakened Spirit

The Awakened Spirit

Wake up to what your heart desires with this heart connection writing course.

6 Weeks To A New You

6 Weeks To A New You

6 Weeks to a New You is a wonderful creative life writing course designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom and create a fantastic passion project.

inner compass

The Inner Compass

If you’ve been feeling lost, stuck, or uncertain, this is your invitation to reconnect with yourself. Your inner compass has always been there, quietly waiting for you to listen.

Gratitude and Yes

Gratitude And The Power Of YES

Rediscover the beauty in your life, one moment of gratitude and one bold “yes” at a time. Join me on this 6 week writing adventure

I loved the course. It’s the perfect blend of inspiration and challenge. The units are well thought out to stimulate healing and growth. The meditations are both beautiful and powerful.

Dale’s energy and compassion shine through throughout so that you know you are held and heard in a truly safe space.

I have emerged, changed and empowered.

Helen L

I learned so much from the course. I started with an open mind and came out with an open heart! I have been journaling for a short time but going deeper to find out what my heart is really trying to tell me is very new but I am listening and much more aware of signs.

I absolutely loved the meditations, and cannot find any that come close to yours!

It was also really lovely being in a group of likeminded people.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! xx

Claire H

Dale, thank you so much for this wonderful, inspiring course. I have been trying to get into journaling for some time, bought two different ‘gratitude journals’ but somehow I never could make it work for me.

Now you have inspired me, motivated and giving me new tools with which journaling has become easy in fun.

Loved the meditations!

Thank you 🙂


All courses are €99 and run for 6 weeks, plus 1 for wrap-up, integration and any questions.

Writing Courses

The Journal Blueprint

Find Your Transformational Journal Idea

This course will help you eke out your ideas and get you ready to write.

Content repurposing 101 workshop

KickStart Your Memoir

This is a lovely course that takes you through aspects of memoir and memoir journaling.

Journal Magic

The Authors Journey

Everything you need to know to plan, write, edit and publish your nonfiction book.

Journals Women Writing

Introduction To Journaling

This course will help you to learn how to journal in a way that suits you. Giving you clarity and the confidence to change.

Art Of Confidence

Manifesting Magic

With this writing course, we connect to our intuition and explore what we want (and need).

Manifesting with the chakras

Manifesting With The Chakras

Unlock the power of the chakras through the power of creative writing to discover what you want and how to manifest it. This unique workshop takes you on a powerful journey through the chakras and what you want to manifest.

Oracle Of The year

The Wheel Of The Year

Learn how to create a year of focus for your personal development.

Oracle of the year

Oracle Of The Year

Intuit and create a guiding oracle for your year.

Wheel Of Life Coaching

Wheel Of Life

Uncover what your unconscious wants you to know and plan your month ahead with clarity.