Dale Darley

Nice to meet you

About Dale – The Word Alchemist

The Word Alchemist: Transforming Your Wisdom Into Words That Heal & Inspire

My Values


The ability to act, speak, or think without unwanted external restrictions. It encompasses the ideas of liberty, autonomy, and the right to pursue personal happiness.



Treating others fairly, adhering to rules or ethical principles, and ensuring equal opportunities for all.



Beauty enriches life, inspires creativity, and can lead to a deeper appreciation of the world. Beyond physical appearances, beauty is also associated with virtues like kindness, grace, and inner harmony.

Why Choose The Word Alchemist?

With over 13 years of experience in writing and publishing nonfiction self-help books, my focus has evolved into creating transformational journals.

As an emotional projector and an INFJ, I empathise deeply with my clients, intuitively understanding their stories and unlocking their potential.

My top strengths—strategic thinking, maximising potential, building relationships, generating ideas, and fostering connectedness—form the foundation of my approach to creating content-rich transformational journals.

About Dale

My Approach

Who Am I?

As a coach, mentor and facilitator, my approach is deeply rooted in my open, intuitive, creative, and empathetic nature. I believe in the power of diverse perspectives and tailor my methods to fit the unique needs and aspirations of each client.

My intuition allows me to sense underlying issues quickly, guiding my clients towards realising their potential and overcoming obstacles.

Creativity is at the heart of my problem-solving strategies, encouraging innovative thinking and breakthrough moments.

As a good listener, I am committed to creating a safe and trusting environment. Here, clients feel heard, understood, and supported, fostering a sense of security and comfort that is conducive to meaningful growth and development.

My Key Offerings

The Journal Blueprint

The Journal Blueprint is designed for counsellors, coaches, healers, and therapists who want to create content-rich transformational journals based on their stories and experiences. This service helps you:

  • Design a journal that captures your transformational framework, offering clients additional opportunities for personal growth.
  • Leverage the journal to expand your brand identity, create a roadmap for product development, and repurpose content to engage and expand your audience.

The Healing Book Project

The Healing Book Project is tailored for women over 40 who are looking to heal their stories through the power of writing and journaling. This program guides you to:

  • Heal through writing, uncovering and articulating your journey.
  • Use the wisdom gained to create a transformational journal or a self-help book based on your story.
  • Inspire and support others through your words and experiences.

Book Coach

Writing To Heal Facilitator

Course Creator

My Story

The Long And Winding Road

Where I even begin to tell the story of who I am, how I got here and why I do what I do.

​I have, like many, been through some pretty tough times – abusive times – which, at the time, broke me and which continued to pop up and bite me on the bum.

The biggest thing I had to do was learn to love myself. When I did this, I was able to make the best decisions about what to do next and how.

​And like many, I have been on a massive healing journey, which at times seemed to never end. I thought the worst was over, and then out of nowhere, I was crushed by people I trusted and burned out.

​It wasn’t fun. Is it ever fun?

But like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, I did again – stronger and still with the resilience, boundaries, kindness and compassion I think we need for the onward adventure.

Dale dogs

A Bit of Background


I hold an MBA from The University of Glamorgan, an ILM level 7 Executive Coaching certificate and an NLP practitioner certificate.

Prior to becoming a coach/mentor, I taught Executive Leadership, Assertiveness Skills and Knowledge Management.

I have served in senior marketing management roles in the IT and manufacturing sectors.


  • MBA

  • ILM (Institute of Leadership Management) Level 7 Executive Coach

  • NLP Practitioner

  • Reiki 1,2 & Angelic

  • Crystal Therapist & Healer

  • Nutritional Healing Therapist (Naturopathic)


What my clients say

Dale, you have truly guided me through the entire process and believed in me when I felt unsure about myself. This project is excellent, and I am sure it will touch many hearts. Thank you for your calming presence and for offering this wonderful project to all of us. Monika Chugh

It’s been an awesome journey so far, Dale Darley! And thank you for all your hard work – you’re such a creative soul! Lorraine Biggs

Dale, you have a beautiful, gentle energy, and I learned so much more about how to get the most out of journaling and different ways to meditate and connect to the heart and heart of Mother Earth. I loved your books and ways of connecting from our soul to our journal. Dale has a beautiful way of making you feel held in loving energy. Fiona Clark


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