Journals Women Writing

A Sanctuary for Writing and Transformation

The Healing Book Project

Write To Heal. Write A Book To Inspire And Help Others Heal

  • Do you want to discover the healing power within your own story?
  • Are you curious how writing to heal can help you heal as well as your reader?
  • Are there past traumas or unresolved issues weighing you down that you need to process and release?
  • Do you crave inner peace and mindfulness amidst the chaos of life?
  • Are you ready to transform your experiences into a journey of healing to inspire and help others heal?
  • Do you want to leave a meaningful legacy and make a difference in others’ lives?

Join Me In A Safe And Nurturing Space

Discover a safe and nurturing space to embark on an adventure of writing to heal and writing a healing book, a self-help book, a transformational journal, or a memoir. This membership offers masterclasses, writing circles, and a supportive community to guide you through planning, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing your book. The right book for you.



Covering planning, outlining, writing, editing, layout, cover design, self-publishing, marketing, and specific genres like transformational journals and memoirs.

Journal Blueprint Course

Online Courses

As a member, you will have access to the following courses – Introduction to Journaling, Kickstart Your Memoir, and Find Your Transformational Journal Idea.

Plus all of the masterclasses for you to watch in your own time.


Writing Circles

Participate in Writing Circles to enhance your writing skills and explore personal healing through the writing-to-heal process. This experience deepens your connection with readers, guiding them through your transformative journey.

Dale Darley

Q&A Sessions

Get answers to all your questions.

90 Day Journal Blueprint

Community and Support Group

Connect with like-minded individuals for support and encouragement.


Writing To Heal Journals

Packed with writing-to-heal exercises, this resource supports your healing, personal growth, and writing skills.


This Program Is For You If...

Healing Book Project

By asking these key questions and defining who this program is for, I aim to connect deeply with the right people, making you feel seen, understood, and excited to join the Healing Book Project.

You Are Looking For A Different Approach To Writing A Book: If you have past experiences that you want to process and heal, this program provides the tools and support to help you navigate and transform your pain into wisdom to share with others.

You Feel a Call to Heal: You’re drawn to transforming your personal story into a powerful healing tool.

You Love Writing or Want to Start: Whether you’re an avid writer or someone who dreams of putting pen to paper, the Healing Book Project offers structured exercises and prompts to guide you.

Legacy: You want to leave a meaningful impact and inspire others through your words and wisdom.


Committed to Growth: You are dedicated to personal development and ready to invest in yourself and your writing.

Open to Learning: You are eager to learn from masterclasses and online courses on various aspects of writing and publishing.

Want Guidance: You desire guidance through Q&A sessions, writing circles, and one-on-one mentoring.

You Want Community and Support: Join an optional community of like-minded women on similar journeys, offering peer support, encouragement, and shared experiences.

The Benefits of Joining The Healing Book Project


Transformative Writing Experience

  • Emotional Healing: Transform your pain into purpose through the power of writing.
  • Personal Growth: Gain self-awareness and spiritual growth by sharing your unique story.

comprehensive learning

Comprehensive Learning

  • Masterclasses & Courses: Access expert-led sessions on planning, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing.
  • Specialised Topics: Deep dive into self-help books, transformational journals, memoirs, and journaling techniques.

Community Support

Supportive Community

  • Writing Circles: Enhance your writing skills and connect with how your readers may feel.
  • Q&A Sessions: Get personalised guidance from myself.
  • Community and Support Group: Build connections with like-minded people for encouragement and support.

Skill Development

Skill Development

Regular writing exercises and feedback will enhance your writing skills and creativity.

This program will provide the insights and confidence needed to start your writing journey.

Emotional Support

Safety and Emotional Support

Writing about personal history can trigger memories of trauma. The program acknowledges this and can provide information on accessing mental health services and professional support.

The program emphasises the importance of self-care and compassion, encouraging you to be kind and gentle with yourself throughout your healing journey.

Enhanced Empathy and Compassion

Enhanced Empathy and Compassion

Sharing your story and listening to others’ experiences will expand your perspective, creating deeper empathy and compassion for yourself and others.

Building a sense of community with like-minded women will enrich your journey, providing support, encouragement, and shared understanding.

Exclusive Benefits

  • Special Pricing: Founding members enjoy a reduced rate of €19.95 per month for the first 100 members, after which the price is €49 per month.
  • One-on-One Mentoring: Receive special pricing on personalised mentoring sessions.

What Else?

Flexible Pathways

Customised Experience: The program offers flexible pathways, allowing you to tailor your participation according to your personal comfort level and interests.

Pace and Path: Explore the material at your own pace and choose the paths that most resonate with your needs.

This Program May Not Be For You If...

Healing Book Project

Prefer Solo Work: If you thrive working independently and resist collaborative environments.

Want A One-on-One Focus: If you prefer individualised mentoring over group learning and support.

Fear Vulnerability: If you’re uncomfortable sharing your personal story and emotions.

Avoiding Commitment: If you’re not ready to invest the necessary time and effort into your writing journey.

You Are Not Ready to Engage in Deep Self-Reflection: This program requires a willingness to delve deeply into your emotions, past experiences, and inner thoughts. If you are not ready for this level of introspection, it might not be the right time for you to join.

You Are Reluctant to Write: Writing is a central component of this program. If you are resistant to writing, you may not fully benefit from it.

Resistant to Feedback: If you’re not open to receiving constructive criticism and suggestions.

Unsure About Writing: If you’re not committed to the idea of writing a book or sharing your experiences.

You Are Uncomfortable with Group Interaction: The program includes opportunities for community interaction and peer feedback. You might find this aspect challenging if you are uncomfortable sharing your experiences and insights with others.

What Else Is Available?

90 Day Journal Blueprint

The Healing Book Project Journals

Amazing journals for healing, personal growth and development.

90 Day Journal Blueprint

Soul Writers Lounge

Free Facebook Community.

Journal Blueprint Course

Online Courses