The Journal Blueprint


The Journal Blueprint

The Journal Blueprint is designed to turn your story, experiences, transformation, and ideas into a beautiful, content-rich journal that helps you support your clients and build your brand and business.

The Journal Blueprint

When writing a book seems too overwhelming and takes too long, a content-rich journal can serve as a stepping stone to a book, helping you support your clients and build your brand and business now.

Turn your transformation experiences into a brilliant content-rich journal that not only reflects your journey but also lays the groundwork for your personal brand and future book.

The Journal Blueprint is your first step toward making this dream a reality. We’ll work together to:

  • Identify the transformative moments in your life and understand their universal appeal – the theme and hook.
  • Uncover your transformational processes – how you did it and what you teach or coach.
  • Design and create a lead magnet so that you can begin the marketing process for your journal.
  • Structure your experiences into compelling content for your journal – The outline and frameworks.
  • Develop and or repurpose content that not only reflects your journey but also engages and inspires your audience.
  • Navigating the emotional and technical challenges of beginning your writing journey.
  • Interior design, blurb and cover design.
  • Laying the groundwork for your personal brand, setting the stage for your future book.
  • Create a roadmap for future products and services.


You’ll get the 28 Introduction To Journaling E-book, which you can use to teach your clients all about journaling.

The Details

We meet once a week for 12 weeks. I will create a safe space where you can share in confidence, I will prepare ‘stuff’ for you to focus on for the following week.

The sessions are generally 60 minutes long. I will reflect on our time together and prepare activities for you to follow up with.


The Journal Blueprint

The Journal Blueprint is designed to turn your story, experiences, transformation, and ideas into a beautiful, content-rich journal that helps you support your clients and build your brand and business.

The Journal Blueprint

When writing a book seems too overwhelming and takes too long, a content-rich journal can serve as a stepping stone to a book, helping you support your clients and build your brand and business now.

Turn your transformation experiences into a brilliant content-rich journal that not only reflects your journey but also lays the groundwork for your personal brand and future book.

The Journal Blueprint is your first step toward making this dream a reality. We’ll work together to:

  • Identify the transformative moments in your life and understand their universal appeal – the theme and hook.
  • Uncover your transformational processes – how you did it and what you teach or coach.
  • Design and create a lead magnet so that you can begin the marketing process for your journal.
  • Structure your experiences into compelling content for your journal – The outline and frameworks.
  • Develop and or repurpose content that not only reflects your journey but also engages and inspires your audience.
  • Navigating the emotional and technical challenges of beginning your writing journey.
  • Interior design, blurb and cover design.
  • Laying the groundwork for your personal brand, setting the stage for your future book.
  • Create a roadmap for future products and services.


You’ll get the 28 Introduction To Journaling E-book, which you can use to teach your clients all about journaling.

The Details

We meet once a week for 12 weeks. I will create a safe space where you can share in confidence, I will prepare ‘stuff’ for you to focus on for the following week.

The sessions are generally 60 minutes long. I will reflect on our time together and prepare activities for you to follow up with.


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